My 2nd Week of Building Something From Scratch Phase

Eduardo Zamarrón
2 min readNov 10, 2020


I found myself writing from my laptop, at my apartment in Mexico City, we are still in quarantine, so we are taking the internship remotely.

I said that because well, is kind of tricky to use Git so you can coordinate with your partners and keep coding, all at the same time, working on different branches, and then merge all to one repo; I can't say I already learned Git, but I definitely learned more commands of it.

Yes! we are finally coding, after a few weeks, we are working hard on a project, which I talked about in my last post, (here I leave you the URL), and I need to say that I am very happy because I am learning and remembering a lot of stuff, things that I forgot, because as you know when you are a developer you need to code all days so you don't easily forget all the learning.

We started making little teams, dividing the project into two parts, FrontEnd, and BackEnd, and as soon they asked which one we wanted to be a part of, I said BackEnd, I think I definitely have a little more experience on React(Front), but I wanted to learn new stuff on the Back because I have never been so good with the UX/UI part. Of course, I tell everyone that if they need my help at the Front I gladly will help them, and that's what I have been doing, some times I go to the front to help them with a few things of what I know, and I said few things because that's all they need, my partners of the front are very smart and they can easily learn new stuff.

I need to say that maybe we have been having a little trouble with the organization, I guess that for most of all, we hadn't worked on team projects, so this part of deciding what to do, and who to do it, sometimes is difficult to decide. Of course, I asked my mentors for some help, but well, they told me that it was normal, sometimes the most difficult part of a project is the organization. So they told me just to be honest with them and have very good communication that is the most important on a team project.

Today we deliver our first Sprint which was good, or at least that is what I felt, and even the staff they congrats us a little bit for it, of course, it wasn't perfect, and there is still more things to do, but we are working on that.

This coming week is going to be very interesting because we need to implement some features of the project, so that means learning new things.

See you next Monday, I will let you know how was the second sprint of the project, wish me luck!



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