My second week on Encora's internship
This week was kind of special for me, and that's because it was my birthday!
As every Monday we received the mail with the assignments of the week, and as soon as I read all the tasks, I knew that it was going to be a hard week, there was a bunch of videos to watch, and 2 programming problems to solve, I must say that I was scared because I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my family on Saturday, so I needed to finish everything until Thursday or I was not going to be able to enjoy the weekend, so as soon as I got the mail I started to work on my assignments.
This week we had to saw many videos, all of them were interesting, but I must say that some of them were kind of difficult to understand, and with that, I meant to the whole series of Compressor Head, where the theme was about Web Performance, so he started from the very beginning, the Morse Code, how we use VLC (Variable Length Code) to determinate which symbols or codes to use. The last video of the series was very confusing for me, but in a few words it talks about the LZ77 Compression Family, so if you are interested in that I invite you to see that series, that is on YouTube.
We saw 3 Google I/O (2009, 2011, 2012) with Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman those were large conferences but very interested and they explained in a few words how they have been working together as a team, what have they done in different companies where they work, and how they have worked with the open-source community, which from what they say, sometimes they can be very annoying.
And my favorite was Linda Rising, and for this videos, I won’t say much, because I want to see her videos, please text so I can send you the links, roughly she got a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences at the age of 50, so yes! we are never too old to start learning something.
We saw 3 more videos, you can catch them at the sketch.
And about the programming problems, with help of my mentors, I could solve the problems on time, of course, I slept at 1 am all days, but I think
it was worth it, I spent my weekend celebrating my birthday with my family.
Hope the next week, get a little easier. :D